Resolution too low, the minimum required is 800 × 600. Expand the browser window or increase the resolution of your monitor

Spatial Datasets,Geoservices,Global Catalog,WMS, WFS, Cloud, Maps

2975 Annotations, 81 Locators, 1025 Geoinformes Services, 940243 Territories, 14506 Instruments, 3007816 Maps, 8513 Datasets,


- Limit the display of a Map to a scale range by editing its Style and using the Minimum Scale and Maximum Scale fields.

Use the TIME parameter of the Spanish Cadastre with the "Add Parameter" option in the Map Data menu. Example: YYYY-MM-DD (where: YYYY is the year, MM is the month and DD is the day) and not earlier than the year 2002.

We are migrating the framework to Angular Material, so some things may be slower while coexisting with Angular JS but in the end performance will improve.